We’re hosting our 2nd Annual ABC Open at Palazzo di Bocce in Lake Orion, Michigan (near Detroit) on September 9-10, 2022. This tournament features both Gold and Silver divisions with space for 28 and 20 teams respectively.

📻 Radio Interview (click here)! - Listen to ABC’s own Andy Zimmerman on WJR 760 AM Pure Michigan radio show! Scroll to the 02m:00s mark to hear the beginning of the interview!

📗 Schedule, Scores, Standings (click here)! - The schedule, scores, and standings are available up to the second here in your browser on any device.

🎥 Finals Livestream (click here)! - Join us on September 10, 2022 at 6:00pm EDT (5:00pm CDT) for a livestream hosted by Matt David and Alex Gara. Looking for last years’ livestreams? -> 2021 Silver (click here) | 2021 Gold (click here).

👉 Contact - For sponsorship inquiries, press, or general information contact: alex@americanbocceco.com.

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